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In the past couple of years, online shopping has become more and more popular, but like many things in life, what you see isn’t necessarily what you get. While this can be a frustrating experience, some people learned to deal with it with a great dose of humor. We compiled a list of the most ridiculous, crazy, and straight-up hilarious online shopping fails that will make you think twice before ordering anything online. Did you ever get something completely different than what you ordered? Let us know back in the comments.

That Disappointing Moment
Online shopping can be complicated, but when it comes to clothes it seems that there’s an extra layer of difficulties involved. Since we can’t actually try the clothes, we need to trust the good faith of the sellers and pray they’re not scamming us. Sadly, this unlucky girl probably didn’t pray hard enough because her order couldn’t be further than what was advertised.

Even though the pants don’t exactly like what she saw on the website, it’s not a completely lost cause. One trip to the seamstress, and she can have the perfect jeans! Sure, it is extremely annoying you have to put more money into fixing something you already purchased, but at least you would end actually wearing it instead of just throwing it away.