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Cops are often depicted in movies as serious men in uniform who fight crimes, solve cases, and are not very often bored. But is the truth far from fiction or close to it? The daily adventures of a cop’s life are a series of ups and downs; sometimes, it’s quiet, but sometimes, they can have the most bewildering, jaw-dropping anecdotes that no one would believe. Thankfully, these cops decided to give us a peek into their crazy lives and shared their out-of-this-world experiences with the internet.

When is Free Balloon Day?
First of all, I need to know when Free Balloon Day is; how come I have never heard of it? Well, these perpetrators certainly have! Whilst I’m sure stealing a balloon is a very minor crime, nothing says experience more than staying in a holding cell, even if it was just for a few seconds.

I’m sure our drunken balloon thieves bragged about this experience during reunions – and perhaps exaggerated it a bit. After all, who doesn’t love a good drunken adventure story? At least they didn’t go too wild and steal something more valuable. I’m sure the ending wouldn’t be as funny.